Website Copywriting Tips
By Teresa Cheong, LifeBridges Communications
Reproducing a lengthy article written originally for a trade magazine on your company's website may save you time and money, but will it capture your web visitors' attention? Chances are, it may not. Website copywriting is different from writing for print.
Web visitors are a unusual breed. They don't read. They scan. What works on print usually doesn't work on the web. Marketing savvy companies know that. They produce different versions of the same article, one for print publications, one for the website, using a writing style best suited for the website.
Three Web Copywriting Tips For Web-Savvy Companies:
√ Website Copywriting Tip One:
First Impressions Always Count.
You have only 3 to 5 seconds to grab your web visitors' attention. If the titles or headlines do not spell benefits, your web visitors will be happily clicking away from your web page.
√ Website Copywriting Tip Two:
Cut the Mumbo-Jumbo.
Small laptops are the rage and smartphone screens have shrunk to a minimalist. Seeing a huge blob of text on a small screen – can be a big turnoff for attention-deficit web readers. Website text has to be concise and written in a clear, conversational style that is easy for the eye and easy to read. See crisp web writing samples.
√ Website Copywriting Tip Three:
Give the Poor Eye A Break.
That means never stinge on white space. Surround the text on your web pages with plenty of white space. Well, it is a visual trick. Studies have shown that it is easier for the eye to scan web pages that have a pleasing amount of white space.
Bear in mind these three web content writing tips if you want your web visitors to stay ON your page.
Need help to update your company website? Ask for a quote from
an experienced web content writer today.
Read More Articles:
Six Easy Steps To Update Website Content

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Teresa Cheong is a professional web writer and freelance copywriter. She takes pride in creating quality web content that engages and sells. If you need quality web writing service, contact her here.