First published in Asia!, SIA's inflight magazine, Jun 2006 issue:
Social Issues
Fearful & Forgotten:
Young Karen refugees tell Asia! of their plight
published in the Singapore Catholic News; written for the Jesuit Refugee Service :
A Closer Look At Refugees
The sound of sporadic gunshots and bomb explosions could be heard again at the Thai-Burmese border - as soldiers from the Myanmar military and Karenni National Progressive Party renewed fighting since the stalling of the peace talks last October, following the ouster of the former Myanmar Prime Minister Khin Myunt. See Full Article (pdf)
A Companion to Refugees, Jesuit Refugee Service 
Samuel Saw, a willowy teenager of 18, was eager to make conversations while the other refugees stood outside their thatched huts, their eyes transfixed by the rare sight of visitors to their mountainous home. See Full Article (pdf).
Women, Health & Fitness:
Moderately Thin or Absolutely Thin
A fortnight ago, I fought my first sparring match.
With feet hip width apart, fists clenched close to my chest, and body turned sideways to the right, I gently rocked myself back and forth until the balls of my feet began to bounce to a natural rhythm, like a nimble-footed Muay Thai boxer performing a dance ritual before a fight. Together with 24 others in an air-conditioned dance studio, I waited for the signal to prime my first attak. Full Article.
Monastic ruins in Glendalough enthrall modern day visitors
WHEN Irish monk, St Kevin founded a monastic settlement in Glendalough – a picture-perfect valley overlooked by the majestic Wicklow mountains some 1,500 years ago, I suspect the pious saint never imagined his wooded hermitage to become a favourite haunt for picnicking families and bus loads of day tourists centuries later. Full Article.